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CommandBar Object

Multiple objects

Represents a command bar in the container application. The CommandBar object is a member of the CommandBars collection.

Using the CommandBar Object

Use CommandBars(index), where index is the name or index number of a command bar, to return a single CommandBar object. The following example steps through the collection of command bars to find the command bar named "Forms." If it finds this command bar, the example makes it visible and protects its docking state. In this example, the variable cb represents a CommandBar object.

foundFlag = False
For Each cb In CommandBars
    If cb.Name = "Forms" Then
        cb.Protection = msoBarNoChangeDock
        cb.Visible = True
        foundFlag = True
    End If
Next cb
If Not foundFlag Then
    MsgBox "The collection does not contain a Forms command bar."
End If

You can use a name or index number to specify a menu bar or toolbar in the list of available menu bars and toolbars in the container application. However, you must use a name to specify a menu, shortcut menu, or submenu (all of which are represented by CommandBar objects). This example adds a new menu item to the bottom of the Tools menu. When clicked, the new menu item runs the procedure named "qtrReport."

Set newItem = CommandBars("Tools").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With newItem
    .BeginGroup = True
    .Caption = "Make Report"
    .FaceID = 0
    .OnAction = "qtrReport"
End With

If two or more custom menus or submenus have the same name, CommandBars(index) returns the first one. To ensure that you return the correct menu or submenu, locate the pop-up control that displays that menu. Then apply the CommandBar property to the pop-up control to return the command bar that represents that menu.

Assuming that the third control on the toolbar named "Custom Tools" is a pop-up control, this example adds the Save command to the bottom of that menu.

Set viewMenu = CommandBars("Custom Tools").Controls(3)
viewMenu.Controls.Add ID:=3    'ID of Save command is 3